Friday, October 10, 2014

Death by Blue Water (A Hayden Kent Mystery Book 1)

Author:  Kait Carson
Genre: Mystery/Suspense

Five Stars
Paralegal Hayden Kent knows first-hand that life in the Florida Keys can change from perfect to perilous in a heartbeat. When she discovers a man’s body at 120’ beneath the sea, she thinks she is witness to a tragic accident. She becomes the prime suspect when the victim is revealed to be the brother of the man who recently jilted her, and she has no alibi. A migraine stole Hayden’s memory of the night of the death.
As the evidence mounts, she joins forces with an Officer Janice Kirby. Together the two women follow the clues that uncover criminal activities at the highest levels and put Hayden’s life in jeopardy while she fights to stay free.

Hayden Kent is a paralegal in the Florida Keys and a highly experienced diver.  In fact, any time she has off from work, she is out diving.  Reeling from a recent breakup with her boyfriend Kevin, she can't wait to get back in the water, hoping it will take her mind off her misery.  She decides to make one of her favorite dives, to a shipwreck of the Humboldt.  Just before she is to return to the boat waiting above her and its owner, her friend Cappy, she spots something:  Looking down, she sees the body of a man, floating below her, sans eyes.  Not a pretty sight, and one that leads her to an instant scream.  When she recovers and makes her way back to the boat, she informs Cappy and he in turn calls the Coast Guard and the Patrol Boats.
At first disbelieving her story, the two officers of the respective agencies, Janice Kirby and Lt. Paul Muller, find out she's right when Lt. Muller makes the dive again with Hayden and sees the body.  After the discovery, Hayden's life begins to go downhill.
Being questioned again, this time by the local police, they are slightly concerned she might have had something to do with the murder.  This is because they have discovered the dead man is no less than the brother of her ex-boyfriend, Richard Anderson.  Stunned by the news, Hayden can't figure out why they keep insisting she knew the dead man, and everywhere she turns it appears the evidence is just piling up against her.  What Hayden didn't tell the officers is that she suffers from blinding migranes - one of which she had the night before Richard was killed, and the fact that when she woke up, she was on the beach, soaking wet.
This book had me riveted to the end.  Hayden's confusion at the events surrounding her life, her breakup with Kevin, and why anyone would want to frame her for a murder she didn't commit sends her reeling.  She never puts herself in danger by acting like others - going for long walks alone, for instance - but things keep happening and she can't figure out the reason why.  Even Kevin tells her he's convinced she killed his brother because she was jealous of the fact that he moved on with his life.
The situations are not unbelievable, and you get drawn into the action almost as if you are watching it in real time.  I found it difficult to stay with the current story and not turn to the end to find out the conclusion ("whodunit").  But all the twists and turns are worth it, and don't give in, because you'll enjoy the ending more if you wait.  A great book, highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Joanne, I am so glad you liked the book. Kait


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