Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Murder At An Irish Chipper (An Irish Village Mystery Book 10)

Author:    Carlene O'Connor
Genre:     Mystery

Hardcover; Digital Book (Audiobook Available)
ISBN #:    9781496744449
Kensington Cozies
304 Pages
$27.00; $13.77 Amazon
February 20, 2024


Siobhán's brother Eoin's new family restaurant, The O'Sullivan Six, is so close to opening -- but waiting on the necessary permits puts the heat of July in the village of Kilbane in County Cork is driving everyone a bit mad.  Macdara Flannery comes to the rescue with a plan -- take a holiday by the sea and stuff themselves with fish and chips to support the struggling business of the aptly named Mrs. Chipper.

But when they arrive, a crowd is gathered in front of the closed shop: a local fisherman with a fresh cod delivery, a food critic, Mrs. Chipper's ex-husband who's opening a competing fish and chips shop directly across the street and a repairman to fix the vent for the deep fryer.  With Siobhan and Macdara as witnesses, a local handyman gets the locked door open, only to find the proprietor lying dead and covered in flour at the base of a ladder, its rungs coated in slippery fat.  Clearly this was not an accidental tragedy...

Even as the local garda take over the murder investigation, Siobhán and Macdara can't help themselves from placing their long-delayed honeymoon on hold -- at least until they can help apprehend an elusive killer.


It's the middle of summer in Kilbane, Ireland, and Siobhán O'Sullivan-Flannery is waiting for her brother Eoin to open his new restaurant.  Everyone is at odds and ends, even the younger O'Sullivans.  That is, until Siobhán's husband Macdara returns home one evening and informs them that he's booked a vacation for them in a small town on the seaside.  He tells Siobhán that this is their long-awaited honeymoon, and even the family can come.  Seeing the excitement everyone has, she agrees and they set off.

The first thing Siobhán wants is fresh fish and chips, but when they arrive at the chipper there seems to be a long line outside, and no one knows why it isn't open.  Because of her instincts, she finally finds someone to get the door open, and she and Macdara find the proprietor, Mrs. Chips, dead on the floor in what appears at first to be an accident.  But Siobhán isn't convinced, especially when she notices clues that others don't see.

But it's not their case, and she's on honeymoon.  At least until she convinces herself -- and it doesn't take long -- that she can find the killer.  Now she's in a case in another town, but could it cause more than the trouble it's worth?  And is the killer ever going to be caught?

This is the tenth book in the series and I must say that this one is the most intriguing so far.  While I love the change of scenery, and the descriptions of the town are aplenty, it's Siobhán I am most interested in.  She has an analytical mind, and I love that.  She's not convinced this was an accident, although even her husband tries to tell her it was.  And the more she thinks about it, the more she's sure it was murder.  But who would kill the elderly woman?  Her ex-husband is a suspect, even if it appears that he's trying to give her a proper memorial.  There are also others in the village she finds suspect, and not everyone around her is happy about it.

When she starts to get closer to the answers, she realizes that someone is watching her and doesn't want her to figure things out.  Now Macdara doesn't want to let her out of his sight, and her siblings are enjoying themselves but keeping an eye on her.  Will she be able to solve the case before they have to go home?  And why can't she just enjoy herself?...

I don't want to say anything else about the book as it might give too much away.  But it is one of Ms. O'Connor's best, and she draws you in easily from the first chapter.  After all, who reads a mystery unless you want to solve the crime yourself?

I will say that I was completely taken by surprise at one point in the book.  While I figured out the murderer shortly before our protagonist did, I was hoping that I was wrong, since I really liked almost everyone in this sleepy little seaside town.  (Of course, there are those you don't like).  But the ending was delightful all the same.  While we are transported to Ireland for a short time, we once again find ourselves involved in the lives of the O'Sullivans, and it is once again just as entertaining as the previous books.  The family closeness is endearing.  The mystery was fascinating.  The entire novel was enchanting.  I love this series and await the next.  Highly recommended.

I was given an advance copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Carlene O'Connor's Books:

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Mrs. Morris and The Mermaid (A Salem B&B Mystery Book 8)

Author:    Traci Wilton
Genre:     Mystery

Mass Market Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN:    9781496741394
Kensington Cozies
368 Pages
$8.99; $6.99 Amazon
February 20, 2024


Charlene and her handsome spectral friend, Dr. Jack Strathmore, are thrilled that their Salem, Massachusetts B&B is overflowing with mermaids in advance of the town's newest attraction -- a mermaid parade!  Retired Hollywood actress Trinity Powers has even agreed to appear on the lead float to commemorate her breakout role as the eponymous mermaid in the blockbuster cult classic, Sirina.  The parade also feature's Trinity's rival, and up-and-coming ingenue, who stars in the film's recent (and somewhat controversial) reboot.  Though their rabid fan clubs seem ready to tear each other -- and the festivities -- apart, the vying actresses are keeping it cool, for now... 

But when Charlene discovers a mermaid murdered, she realizes a killer is out to steal the show.  With the help of Jack and Detective Sam Holden, Charlene plunges into the case, determined to stop a killer from striking again...


After her husband was killed, Charlene Morris moved from Chicago to Salem, Massachusetts and opened a B&B, hoping to help her heal and discover a new life.  She's made friends here, and along the way discovered that both witches and ghosts are real.  Especially the ghost of Dr. Jack Strathmore, who haunts the home that used to be his, and has become Charlene's closest confidante.  If only he were human again...

She has a full house with people attending the first mermaid festival that the town's hosted, including the star of the original film Sirena, about a mermaid and her adventures, Trinity Powers.  But a surprise guest shows up with her entourage, Alannah, the woman who remade the sequel and believes she's better than the original actor.  Now, the town is filled with people who are Team Trinity or Team Alannah, and the results aren't pretty...

Even the B&B has their share of them, but at least they are behaving themselves.  Well, some of them, anyway...

When there's a murder and Charlene discovers the body, Detective Sam Holden tells her to stay away from it.  But if the killer turns out to be someone who's one of her guests, how is she supposed to do that?  As things progress, her friend Brandy also asks for her help in proving that one of her own friends isn't a murderer.  Now Charlene is right in the middle, but at least she has ghostly help from Jack.  However, things are heating up with Sam, and it's causing Charlene internal angst.  

With everything going on, can she locate a killer before the person strikes again?  And will she be able to keep her guests happy and herself away from the murderer?

This is the eighth book in the series and I have read them all.  I also have loved them all.  Charlene is progressing in her life in Salem, with staunch friends around her, and of course, Jack, who can be seen and heard only by Charlene and her cat, Silva.  

This book has quite a bit going on in it, and I won't say too much about that in order not to spoil it for others.  I will say that it is definitely worth reading, as Ms. Wilton has once again engaged us in a tasty tale that keeps us reading all the way through.  The plot and subplots are all interesting, with enough intrigue, secrets, and lies to wield the story well, and when the killer is discovered, it all comes together nicely and leaves us wanting more.  The ending gives us a hint of what is to come, and you will have to discover it yourself.  Highly recommended.

I received an advance copy from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Traci Wilton's Books:

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Serving Up Spite (A Cook-Off Mystery Book 8)

Author:    Devon Delaney
Genre:     Mystery

Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:    9781960511423
Beyond The Page Publishing
204 Pages
$14.00; $4.99 Amazon
November 14, 2023


With international cuisine on the menu for her next cook-off, Sherry Oliveri experiments with one dish after another looking for that perfect killer recipe.  But her competitive drive gets put on the bakc burner when her friend Patti calls in a panic: her new boyfriend has vanished, and signs of foul play suggest he may have been killed.  Then the police begin investigating the disappearance as a murder, and they've got Patti pegged as the main suspect.

Still, the man’s body has yet to be found, and that in itself has Sherry wondering.  Slipping out of her apron and into her sleuthing cap, she learns that the man had serious money problems and was even dating Patti while he was still married.  Did he fake his own death ot get out of a jam?  Determined to find the truth and get her friend off the hook, Sherry follows the clues until they come together like the perfect meal -- until one final surprise brings her face-to-face with a killer...


Sherry Oliveri makes her living working at her father's store, The Ruggery, and entering cook-offs in her spare time.  While giving a week-long lecture about gardening at a school, she learns that one of the students' father is the owner of a new newspaper in town.  A newspaper that is riling up the townspeople with talk of modernizing her small town.  Most people are happy with the way it is, and they don't like the interference of someone who has recently moved here from Iceland.

To make matters worse, Sherry discovers that her friend Patti Mellit is dating the man's brother -- at least until Sig disappears.  Now she's suspected of murdering him, even though there's no body.  She didn't even know he was married until recently, and Sherry doesn't think that's a motive.  So, when Patti asks for her help, she can't say no.  Not to mention she has to concentrate on the cook-off, sponsored by the rival newspaper; and her boyfriend Don is acting around her.  Sherry has a lot of pots on the fire, and she'll be lucky if none of them get her burned...

This is the eighth book in the series, and I have loved them all.  This time out Sherry is trying her hand at international cuisine, and also trying to solve a murder.  Even her cop friend Ray Bease knows why she's doing it, and he knows cautioning her isn't going to change anything.  At least her sister Marla is in town to help out, so that's a plus.

When Sherry starts looking for clues, she notices that there's one constant (which I won't mention here as you will find out when you read the book), and that sets her to thinking that the murderer might be someone involved in the cook-off.  But which person?  When she's confronted by a PI that Sig's wife hired, who's convinced Patti had something to do with the murder, she refuses to work with the woman.  But it's not that easy, and the more they discover, the harder it becomes to determine the killer.

In the end, this was a twisted tale that hinged on that one constant, and it all comes together nicely after all.  The reasons for the murder only make sense to the murderer (but that's the way it usually is, right?) and the ending gives us a nice satisfaction.  I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next.  Recommended.

I received an advance copy from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Devon Delaney's Books:

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Murder at the Blarney Bash (A Beacon Bakeshop Mystery Book 5)

Author:    Darci Hannah
Genre:     Mystery

Mass Market Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:    9781496741745
Kensington Cozies
352 Pages
$8.99; $6.99 Amazon
January 23, 2024


Lindsey is baking up a storm -- shamrock sugar cookies, Guiness chocolate cupcakes, Irish soda bread -- for the well-timed grand opening of the Irish import gift shop, the Blarney Stone, owned by her boyfriend's uncle, Finnigan O'Connor, recently relocated from the Emerald Isle.

But it's Uncle Finn himself who seems full of blarney when he gleefully reveals a pot of real gold he claims he stole from an actual leprechaun.  And Finn's fortune takes a turn for the worse when he's arrested for the bludgeoning of a small unidentified man dressed as a leprechaun -- the murder weapon alleged to be his now-missing shillelagh/

Eccentric Uncle Finn may enjoy believing he's outwitted a leprechaun, but he would never be so deluded as to clobber one with his walking stick.  Now Lindsey will need more than the luck of the Irish to seize a golden opportunity to catch the real killer...


Lindsey Bakewell owns the Beacon Bakeshop, an old lighthouse that she's converted into her home.  She's getting ready for St. Patrick's Day and the opening of the Blarney Stone, an Irish gift shop/pub that belongs to her boyfriend Rory's uncle Finn and his daughter Colleen.  But one morning what she thinks is a leprechaun (I know; so does Lindsey!) runs into her car and then disappears.  She also hears of a sighting of the same person from her dog groomer.  And when a woman asks for her help, it turns out that she thinks a leprechaun might have attacked her boss, Fred Landry. 

But leprechauns aren't real -- are they?  Finn believes in them, Colleen doesn't.  But when there are other sightings, Lindsey is determined to find out.  Especially when there's a murder connected to the little man.  Yet something is definitely afoot, and when Finn makes a startling discovery, everyone who knows him thinks he might be in danger.  Now Lindsey, Rory, -- and the recently returned Kennedy -- are once again looking for a murderer...

I have read all the books in this series, and I have loved them all.  The descriptions of the area are very good, and the characters are believable.  In fact, I'd like to know them, especially Finn.  He definitely seems an Irish rogue!  Also, since Kennedy is back, she's brought some drama with her, which isn't surprising at all.  She is who she is, and no one is going to change that!  It makes for an interesting story line that is easy to follow.  Are leprechauns real or are they fictional?  Ah, there is a question for everyone, isn't it?

But now Finn is suspected of murder, and with St. Pats in full swing, the town is full of people who could have done the deed.  The question is, how do Lindsey and Rory find the culprit?  Especially when they're looking for someone who may have killed a leprechaun -- or someone dressed as one.  It's a right pickle they're in, and the killer might not be finished yet.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this tale, nor can I tell you any more about the book.  To do so would be giving too much away.  But it's filled with whimsey and intrigue, secrets and even more.  It's definitely worth the price of reading, and I look forward to the next in the series.  Highly recommended.

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Darci Hannah's Books:

Chillers, Thrillers and Killers:

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