Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Patchwork Quilt Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery Book 30)

Author:    Leslie Meier
Genre:     Mystery

Hardcover; Mass Market Paperback; Digital Book (Audiobook Available)
ISBN #:    9781496733795; 9781496733801
Kensington Cozies
268 Pages
$16.17; $8.99; $9.06 Amazon
April 23, 2024


When a community center opens in town, many embrace it as a space where locals of all ages can gather and create.   Others view it as a waste of taxpayer dollars.  The director, Darleen Busby-Platt, is no less controversial.  Intense and showy, Darleen has huge plans for her new role.  But Lucy believes the woman isn't exactly as warm-hearted -- or qualified -- as she seems.  That hunch deepens when Darleen and a young employee vanish...and dismembered remains appear!

With lots of clues and a few concrete answers, Lucy rushes to connect loose ends.  First there's the disappearance of Tim Stillings, a troubled twenty-something who endured harsh treatment on the job.  Next there's Darleen herself, who made fast enemies as the highest-paid resident of Tinker's Cove.  Finally, there's Darleen's rich ancestry and ties to heirlooms worth either a fortune or nothing at all.

The closer Lucy gets to the facts, the more she realizes that solving this murder depends on the lies.  Because the truth rests somewhere between wild rumors, a trusted friend's emotional new sewing project, and the authenticity of a mysterious three-hundred-year-old patchwork quilt.  And Lucy must piece together the big picture -- before she becomes part of a crafty killer's deadly design...


This is the 30th book in the series, and it's wonderful that Ms. Meier has kept the series going so long.  People as myself love to read series, and I do appreciate the fact that this series is basically done in 'real time', with the children growing up and having lives of their own.  Unfortunately, this book lacked the charm of others, and I don't think that I'm the only one who feels this way.

The mystery, of course, should be about a murder with both Lucy and her readers trying to solve it.  (Even if one of the characters previously named Adam has suddenly become Tim in this version).  As another unfortunate fact, I lost interest the minute the author started spouting her political views instead of focusing on the gist of the story.  This seemed more about climate change and how it affects everything than the mystery, and it was more than I could take.  I don't read mysteries to be preached to.

But the worst was the way the dog's death was treated.  The dog, who was in many stories before.  Like he was a 'throwaway' and not to be bothered with any more.  I have cats, and I grieve when I lose one.  The gift of loving pets is the fact that you know you are loving an animal with a shorter lifespan, and you must say goodbye before you are ready.  It is difficult.  But it is the ability to give love.  These are our family members.  Not trash.

Unfortunately again, I wish I could give this a higher rating, but I cannot.

I was given a copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Leslie Meier's Books:    https://www.fantasticfiction.com/m/leslie-meier/

Gingerbread Danger (An Amish Candy Shop Mystery Book 9)

Author:    Amanda Flower
Genre:     Mystery

Mass Market Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:    9781496743756
Kensington Cozies
352 Pages
$8.99; $7.99 Amazon
October 22, 2024


Amish candy shop owner and star of TV's Bailey's Amish Sweets, Bailey King has a lot to be excited about.  She's happily engaged to Aiden Brody, newly appointed county sheriff, and her candy factory is finally having its grand opening in Harvest, Ohio -- just before Christmas!  Bailey is ready to let the sweet celebrations begin...

With the help of local community organizer Margot Rawlings, Harvest will have a Candy Land themed Christmas on the village square -- featuring Bailey's recently perfected recipe for gingerbread men.  When the big day comes, everything is going well -- until bitter news arrives.  One of Bailey's Amish friends has been killed in an apparent accident just outside the candy factory.  Aiden is promptly on the case -- with more than a little input from Bailey...

Together, they soon learn that the victim was working for some powerful men in the county, and in doing so was spying on his own Amish community.  Still, Bailey is determined to find the perpetrator.  If she can't cut out the killer from the rest of the suspects, her gingerbread men won't be the only ones in danger of disappearing...


Bailey King moved from New York to Harvest, Ohio to help her Amish grandmother run the family candy shop after her grandfather passed away.  Since then, she's gained friends both Amish and Englisch, and not only is the candy shop thriving, there's enough to open a candy factory as well, which Bailey hopes to make a success.  She's also recently engaged to Aiden Brody, the county sheriff, which makes all things perfect for her.

At least until her parents arrive for Christmas.  Disappointed that she chose culinary school over college; she thinks they're unhappy with her.  Especially since her mother Susan is a perfectionist and expects everyone and everything to be on schedule.  But with Bailey's life, it's nearly impossible to do so.  

At this time of the year, town organizer Margot Rawlings also expects Bailey's help in her life-sized game of Candy Land for locals and tourists alike.  How can she spread herself any thinner?  Don't ask.  At the factory, a young employee is killed, and Bailey is determined to find out who killed the person and why.  Then there's the issue that her mother has done something behind her back that makes Bailey even more frustrated (if possible), and could lead to even more tension between the family...

This is the ninth book in the series and I have read and loved them all.  There is always something going on that keeps you interested throughout.  Not to mention (but I will) that Juliet, Aiden's mother, keeps foisting her pet pig on Bailey at every opportunity.  At least Bailey's used to it, right?  Also, there are break-ins around town that has Bailey worrying about her grandmother being alone.  So much going on that I won't even get into the details, which are plentiful.

There are clues throughout that lead to what is happening, but not clearly the why.  We are given that toward the end, and that is fine with me, as I enjoyed reading the story very much and was in no hurry to finish.  The characters are believable and full of personality, even Jethro the pig.  We are given a bit of insight into Bailey's life with her parents, whom have been somewhat secondary characters and are in the story much more this time around.  

In the end, when the killer is revealed and it all begins to come together, the climax is interesting and at least I was right in one area, which pleased me.  I loved how everything turned out and felt that once again, Ms. Flower has given us a pleasant way to spend a day or two journeying back to Harvest-- especially at Christmas!  Highly recommended.

I was given an advance copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Amanda Flower's Books:    https://www.fantasticfiction.com/f/amanda-flower/

Chaney's Baby

Author:     Bill Fleck Genre:      Biography/Entertainment Paperback; Digital Book (Audiobook Available) ISBN #:     9798450666204 Independe...