Monday, December 21, 2020

Wedding Bear Blues (A Teddy Bear Mystery Book 4)

Author:  Meg Macy
Genre:   Mystery

Trade Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:  9781496729156
Kensington Publishing
336 Pages
$15.95; $9.99 Amazon
December 29, 2020


At the Silver Bear Shop and Factory, Sasha will be selling plenty of bride and groom teddy beasrs come springtime.  But this Valentine's Day weekend, she'd take any of those silent, stuffed couples over the real thing.  Sasha and her sister Maddie are bridesmaids at Cissy Davison's upcoming wedding in Silver Hollow.  Cissy is fuming over the worst choice of best man -- the jerk who broke her sister Debbie's heart -- and the groom-to-be won't budge in his decision.  At the rehearsal dinner you could cut the tension with a wedding cake knife.

That is, until best man Dylan is found dead, impaled with an ice pick.  Although jilted Debbie is the most likely suspect -- the blood on her dress doesn't help her case -- the bride begs Sasha to prove her sister's innocence.  If anyone's going to walk down the aisle, Sasha will need to find the cold-hearted killer who iced Dylan...


Sasha runs her family's teddy bear factory in Silver Hollow, Michigan.  It's nearing Valentine's Day and Cissy Davison is getting married.  She's finagled both Sasha and her sister Maddie as bridesmaids in the wedding, something Sasha isn't looking forward to.  That, and having to wear four-inch heels.  The night of the bachelorette party, a drunken best man stumbles in and tries to tell one of the bridesmaids that he's sorry and innocent - but no one is having it and the groomsmen drag him out.  While Sasha wonders about the comment, she doesn't say anything.  The next day at the wedding dinner, Dylan is found dead by Sasha's sister Maddie, and now, after hearing conversations at the party and during the dinner, Sasha looks on everyone with suspicion.

It isn't until the main suspect is found to be Cissy's sister Debbie that Cissy looks at Sasha with desperation.  She wants her to prove Debbie's innocence - but Sasha isn't relishing getting involved in another murder investigation,  Especially when there's so much going on and she hasn't got time.  Or the fact that people are pointing fingers at everyone else.  But when another tragedy occurs, Sasha starts to put things together.  Or does she?

This is the fourth book in the series and I have read every one of them.  My only complaint with this series is that the author has so many characters throughout that it's hard to keep them straight; so on top of the wedding party, we have extended members of Sasha's family thrown in, too.  I like the series, but the author needs to cut down the number of characters in each book - it will please the reader not to have to write out a 'cheat sheet,' too.

There was also a darker side story thrown in that had to do with children.  I'm not sure why it was there, because the mystery should have been enough.  It was just interspersed here and there and that didn't give it any steam on its own, and took away from the murder.

But back to that:  after sifting through the characters I pretty much figured out who the murderer was early on.  But then I have to say that I read a lot of mysteries, so I've gotten pretty good at this anyway.  Still, I think that the writing was good and the plot had enough drive for it in itself, but it's the mass of people in the book (not to mention the local characters that own shops thrown in for good measure) that make the book confusing.

All in all, I did like the ending and how everything turned out, and that's what a mystery should be in the first place.  I will continue to read this series because of that.  Recommended.

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