Tuesday, February 2, 2021

If Hooks Could Kill (A Crochet Mystery Book 7)

Author:  Betty Hechtman
Genre:   Mystery

Mass Market Paperback; Digital Book (Available in LP)
ISBN #:  9780425252338
Kensington Publishing
352 Pages
$7.99; $7.99 Amazon
November 5, 2013


When a television crew descends on Tarzana, Molly Pink and the rest of her crochet group, the Tarzana Hookers, put up with the inconvenience as best they can -- until the residence of one of their own becomes a real-life crime scene...

The television crime show 911 has taken over Tarzana, making cinematic backdrops out of the town's most mundane locations, including the yard of Kelly Donahue, the newest member of the Tarzana Hookers.

And at the end of the day, the TV shoot isn't all that's wrapped.  It seems someone silenced Kelly -- permanently -- and no one heard a thing.  Without any leads, Molly and her pals must stich together the clues to catch the killer -- before someone else dials 911.


Molly Pink is a widow who works at a local bookstore as an events coordinator.  She has also proven her worth as a part-time sleuth, much to the chagrin of her ex-boyfriend, Barry Greenberg, a homicide detective who's recovering at Molly's house after being shot in the line of duty.  He's also realizing he blew it with Molly, and is upset with the fact that she might be getting involved with Mason Fields, a local high-powered attorney, who's been eyeing Molly since she was in a relationship with Barry.

But Molly and her friends in the crochet group are busy watching the employees of the television show L.A. 911 film crew as they come in for their daily snack and coffee at the bookstore, and they're also filming near the house of one of the Hookers -- who doesn't seem to come to their meetings.  So Adele, who is outspoken (to put it mildly) decides to go to her house and demand that she give them the projects for their newest charity sale to benefit the animal shelter.  When they arrive, Kelly Donahue is short with them and wants them to leave.  But when someone is at her door, it's all she can do to hustle them out the back and hand them a box of crocheted items.

When they later learn that Kelly has been murdered, Molly finds it odd that anyone would want to kill her.  When all the evidence points to her husband Dan, Molly's not so sure it was him.  But she can't rule out other suspects, and even though Barry wants her to stay away, Molly just can't do it.  Little does she know that the killer's been watching her for the right moment to silence her permanently...

I've been binge reading this series (sometimes it's what I do), and while each book is different, I really get tired of Molly waffling back and forth as to what is going on in her love life.  Pick a guy and get it over with.  It distracts from the series, and while she says that she wants to be on her own, she also laments how empty her house seems when she's alone in it.  So, if that's the case, wouldn't it be better to have someone in your life permanently?  Being 'friends' is all fine and good, but it's not the same as being married.  Honestly, the 'will she or won't she' and the 'let's just be friends' is getting old.  It also distracts from the mystery.

As to the mystery, it was done well, but I would have liked some clues as to the murderer, and I do get tired of the cliffhangers at the end of every story.  Enough with them.  Cliffhangers are akin to holding the reader hostage in order to make them read the next tale.  The story should stand on its own without them.

So, I hope I've gotten my thoughts across as to these books.  I might have to take a break and read something else, because it doesn't seem like Molly wants a significant other in her life, and I would definitely like some clues to the killer so we can figure it out ourselves.

More on Betty Hechtman's Books:  https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/betty-hechtman/

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