Sunday, February 28, 2021


Author:  Sandi Tan
Genre:   Fiction

Hardcover; Digital Book
ISBN #:  9781641292559
Soho Publishing
320 Pages
$27.00; $14.99
March 30, 2021


In a suburban LA neighborhood, neighbors keep wary distance and at times collide, propelled by desire, fury, and mischief.  Precocious Korean American sisters Mira and Rosemary find their world rocked by a suicide; a charismatic and creepy drama teacher grooms his students' an aging gay horror novelist fights loneliness; and a white mother and her adopted Vietnamese daughter deal with lifelong anger issues.  Spanning decades, and bringing together a diverse and interlocking group of stories, Lurkers is a Los Angeles masterpiece, showing Sandi Tan's fiction to be as formidable and exciting as her filmaking.


I have to tell you that I really struggled with this book.  While the blurb sounded interesting, the book was not.  It was filled with violence, anger, foul language, and sex.  Nothing really that makes a great book in my opinion.  It didn't make the characters memorable.  It made them caricatures of people everyone should strive to avoid in their lifetime.

I have always felt that good writing doesn't need foul language in excess to get one's point across; and I am far from a prude, but I'd rather read something with substance, which this book does not have.  What it does have is a group of people who are afraid of life.  They are stalkers and avoiders, and I just couldn't get into the book.  People who obsess over little girls are repulsive, as are people who "lurk" outside others windows.  Who on earth wants to be with someone who thinks that's okay to do?  Ugh.  I also didn't care for the fact that the author obviously hates men, as she creates male characters that are sexual deviants, and not a single decent guy among them.    

There really isn't a solid plot to the book, it just rambles throughout, just a bunch of people who do all the things normal people wouldn't consider, and there isn't a single likable character among them.  
Unfortunately, this wasn't a book I will remember.

More on Sandi Tan's Books:

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