Friday, March 18, 2022

Mystics and Murder (Darla Damian Paranormal Mysteries Book 1)

Author:    Julia Koty
Genre:    Mystery/Paranormal

Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:    9781939309273
Busstop Press
176 Pages
$9.99; $2.99 Amazon
March 22, 2022


What happens when you swear off your psychic skills but still need to solve a murder?

the cozy seaside town of Stoneport, Massachusetts is not only home to tourist restaurants and a lighthouse but to strange disappearances and a cat-sleuthing secret society.  It's also home to the world-renowned psychic,  Darla Damian, who has recently sworn off her abilities.  Of course, her first day back is more exciting than she had anticipated.

Back at the Aurora B, Fine Crystals and More, Darla's best friend books a new consulting case for her with the Stoneport police department.
"Open and shut," they say.
Except it isn't.
Her loving cats are barely any help, X and O have their own mystery to solve.
The mysterious case collides with her complicated past and Darla faces her biggest fear: that she not longer has what it takes to interpret her visions and unearth the truth.


Darla Damian, world-renowned psychic, is back at work after three weeks away.  Three weeks during which time she's pondering whether she can trust her visions anymore.  Three weeks after a traumatic event that's caused her to doubt everything now.  But in her first return to work, her best friend Candace, who is also her partner in the Aurora B, Fine Crystals and More, has booked a new case for her -- one that she hopes will get Darla back on track.

But Darla doesn't want to be 'back on track.'  She wants to lay low and do simple Tarot readings for others, not wanting to see or feel her visions.  Yet now she's presented with a missing persons case -- that just might be more than that.  When a murder occurs, Darla discovers that maybe the two might just be connected.  And even though she still wants to leave it alone, Candace won't let her.  Now Darla is involved in what she doesn't want, and with a new homicide detective who thinks she's a hack.  Can Darla find the killer?  And more important, can she find her skills again?

This is the first book in a new series, and as such, it shines.  If you've read any of the Mira Michaels books, you'll know that Darla is Mira's older sister.  (If you haven't, I suggest you run - not walk - to your nearest purchase place and buy a copy.  You'll be hooked).  Darla has always depended upon her psychic gifts to help others, but when something extremely traumatic occurs, and she blames herself for 'misreading' her vision, she feels that she can't trust herself anymore.  Now it's up to Candace to help her return to what she does best.  With prodding and trust, Candace tries to help Darla as she navigates her way into a new case, albeit reluctantly.

What follows is Darla, still unsure of herself, asking questions and watching people, rather than reading them, to find the truth.  Yet there is a vision or two to help her along, and she's going to have to trust herself in order to corner a killer.  Because we know she will, of course...

The ending is a very interesting one, and leaves us wondering what the next book will bring.  As for the new detective, I'm right there along with Darla, as I'm a believer myself, (and have the proof to back it up!). 

The characters are believable and fully fleshed out (the main ones, at least) and we understand Darla's feelings and her angst; we also understand Candace and why she is doing what she is.  The story line is riveting, and let us not forget Darla's Siamese cats, X and O, who are definitely worth reading about in their own right, trying to keep the peace between the House Cats and the Ferals -- and solving their own mystery along the way.

In the end, this is the beginning to a new series that should have everyone smiling in satisfaction and waiting for the next in the series (hurry, hurry!) as Darla takes her place on your bookshelf.  Highly recommended.

I received an advance copy from the author and BookFunnel, but this in no way influenced my review.

More on Julia Koty's Books:

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