Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween at Pumpkin Hill (Inn Vermont Cozy Mysteries Book 7)

Author:    Thea Cambert
Genre:     Mystery

Paperback; Digital Book
ISBN #:    9798473904451
Independently Published
158 Pages
$6.99; $3.99 Amazon
September 9, 2021


Sometimes truth is more mysterious than fiction.

It's Halloween in Williamsbridge, Vermont, and the whole town is getting ready for the annual Spookfest celebration.  With jack-o-lanterns scattered all over Pumpkin Hill, the inn full of guests, and a cozy chill in the air, Eloise and Matthew are all set for a wonderful weekend.  But spooky turns scary when they discover a body while judging the downtown decorating contest.  And when what had appeared to be an accidental death turns out to be murder, El and Matthew will have to track down the killer.


Eloise and Matthew both help El's mother run the Inn Vermont, El's home that her mother turned into a B&B shortly after her father's death.  Decorating the inn is all done, and they, along with the mayor, are all set to judge the businesses downtown's decorating contests.  But when they come to a new business that deals with exotic pets, they find the owner, dressed like a vampire, dead in a coffin.  Once the local doctor determines that it's murder, both of them decide that they need, once again, to help the police figure it out.

But when they start digging, they discover that there is more than one suspect, and all of them have a motive to want the man dead,  The question is, who actually killed him?

This is the seventh book in the series, and I must admit that I have not read them all.  I usually read Ms. Cambert's works when I need something light and easy, and these books fill the bill.  They are well-written, full of interesting characters, and the plot lines, while not dark, are fun to read.  She has become one of my favorite writers.  Partly because I suffer from depression, and reading her books helps me in more ways than one.

In this book, everyone is having a fun Halloween, and after finding the body, Eloise discovers something else in the store that brings her joy of her own.  Matthew is even happy with it, and I'm not going to say what it is so as not to ruin the book for others who have not read this.

They involve themselves in Halloween activities while still keeping an eye on all their suspects; and while there isn't a lot of red herrings, there are still secrets that come to light.  When the murderer is discovered, the reason why seems both petty and as old as time.

The ending has one more surprise, and gives you meaning to read the next in the series.  Recommended.

More on Thea Cambert's Books:

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